I like to take this moment to wish all South African happy new day.
To all South African I hope you will enjoy yourselves this special day, take care for yourselves, may God rescue you all the time, I hope this year will be different as compared to last year, I hope year is year of success, if your mindset is positive you will do and get positive things but if your mindset is negative you will do and get negative things, do let people's opinion to let you down, you can make it if you say you can make it but if you say you cannot make it you can't make it, everything is possible if you say so.You must know that this earth has full of challenges that you must face, Mr Mochware former of Sebetwane Secondary School principal once said I quote "ja monate gore o sotlhege, sotlhalega gore o je monate".
Thanks for the great message and may you also have a prosperous year